today’s garden work

Transplanted seedlings to community plot:– Greens: Chinese broccoli, radicchio, bok choy, cabbages (savoy, red, Chinese), red mix– Beets (Lutz, Chiogga, White Detroit)– Marigolds (Lemon Boy) Watered.Weeded.Weed whacked paths.

today’s garden work

Remove old dead pear tree and plant new pear (Kieffer) to espalier on fenceMove tomato supports to new locationDirect sow carrots: Mokum and St ValeryDirect sow radish: French BreakfastDirect sow another package of Crimson Flowered Fava Beans (from Dan)Transplant onion seedlings to plotTransplant 6 broccoli seedlings and 6 collard seedlings

preparing Mom and Dad’s garden

Yesterday I went up to my parents house and enjoyed a day in the dirt. I had ordered a truckload of compost to be delivered. I was expecting a morning delivery, but as my luck had it, it was a 5:30 pm delivery. So I had time to do a lot of raking and prep work, but had to scramble to get the dirt spread and turned before dark. My parent’s garden plot is about 15 by 50 feet, by my guess. It is against the woods with a westerly…

Work Day

We had a fantastic Work Day at the Belmont Victory Garden on Saturday! It was really amazing to see how much work we got done!! And everyone seemed to be having such fun. Nothing like happy gardeners. I supervised the work details and assigned photography duties to a super photographer. He took 200 photos and in all of them, everyone is smiling! (Except maybe the rock moving crew.) I love to look back at all the smiling faces. We also assigned 6 or 8 plots to new gardeners. Looks like…

community garden Work Day

Tomorrow is the Belmont Victory Garden Work Day. We will assign about 10 plots available from gardeners who are leaving – to the top of a waiting list of about 80. And we have a list of projects to accomplish. The weather looks good. With luck, we’ll accomplish lots.

pea planting day

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Its a beautiful sunny day – perfect to plant the peas! And some fava beans. I have my seed packages out. And the inoculant. I’ll also spread some clover seed in the squash and corn beds to see if I can get any cover crop growth to turn under before planting these beds in late May.

I came across a nice post at Johnny’s about January “garden” tasks. Get the greenhouse ready. I don’t have a greenhouse, but the wonderful thought of working in the sun in the middle of the winter makes me wish for one: “The ideal way to spend a sunny day in winter? Go to the greenhouse and soak up some Vitamin D while you get organized for transplant production. Your goal is to inspect, clean, repair, and take inventory.” Rather than a greenhouse, I’m getting my plant lights and shelves ready…

garden beds tucked in for winter

Skippy and I walked through the community gardens today. Lots of very neatly tucked in garden beds. Many have salt marsh hay. Some plastic, some a layer of manure, some a good growth of cover crop. We’re ready. Someone recently left a note that Mahoney’s has a good supply of salt marsh hay.

spreading compost and other winter preparations

A beautiful warm fall day for garden work. We were out cleaning up the yard and gardens – getting ready for winter. My main project was COMPOST. My old wood compost bins have finally composted themselves. After 10 or 15 years. Two homemade untreated fir bins. I pulled off all the old decayed wood, then carted the compost to my garden beds. My 2010 plan says there will be tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and peppers in these home beds next year, which need a nice rich soil. A couple of the…

plot work

I cleared off all but one bed today. Its a lot of work to clear corn stalks and the deep weeds I had. I started planting my garlic. I found many garlic shoots coming up in the parsnip bed – my 2 year old top sets, I think. I transplanted all these to the new garlic bed. I have a couple weeks to finish the job of planting the rest of the garlic. And I dug potatoes. My guess about 30-40 lbs. I’ve been eating potatoes from the bed since…