hurricane irene

Liz at asked Hi Kathy! I wonder if you’ve come across any helpful advice for how to prepare a garden for Hurricane Irene this weekend. We’re in western Massachusetts and are of course harvesting all that we can, but I’m finding few other tips online. Do you have any suggestions for how to save our squash, brussels sprouts, etc. from the deluge ahead? Good luck with the hurricane – I hope you’ll enjoy a martini when it arrives! Liz Great idea about that martini!!! A super idea for a…

garden work

It was a beautiful hot dry morning after a good rain last night. Today’s garden work:WeedString up the tomato vinesAdmire the giant potato bushesTry to aim the squashes up the trellisCheck on the bagged apples and pearsHarvest half of my garlic, wash and lay out to dry

garden work

My accomplishments in the garden this weekend: weededplanted sunflower seedssquished potato bugs (yuck!)tied up asparagus frondswateredfilled the bird bathtransplanted spinach seedlingstransplanted peppers seedlingsadmired 3 rows of 1 inch tall popcorn seedlingstransplanted leftover tomato seedlings into paper cups (to give away soon)gave away cucumber, squash, pumpkins, tomato and pepper seedlings to my parents

Memorial Day weekend garden work

My plot from the southeast: What a fantastic weekend for gardening! Our weather has gone from cloudy and cold (40-50*F) last week to hot and sunny (80’s). Some plants love it, some don’t. I am very pleased to see the sun!!! My weekend accomplishments: Transplanted tomato seedlingsPlanted popcorn seedsWeeded the garlic bedsTransplanted pumpkin and squash seedlingsConstructed squash supportWatched a hummingbird visit wild bluebellsMowed about half of the community gardens pathsDiscovered a big fat toad in my gardenHilled potato plantsDiscovered baby pears and apples formingBegan pruning my espaliered pear treesWatered the…

garden work

I have been trying to keep up with the season. There is so much to do in the garden in the spring. I have spent a few afternoons at my plot this week – soaking up the sun and working hard. Asparagus harvest: I picked my first asparagus ever yesterday. I couldn’t believe how sweet it is! Only half of my harvest made it home. It is so sweet to nibble on! The rest was super sauteed with thyme. Compost pile: I moved last year’s pile to the other side…

today’s garden work

It was a sunny warm day, in the upper 70’s, perfect for gardening. Its nice to be back to work in my own garden after being away for a week. – Some marigolds and cosmos transplanted to pots.– Sow 2 flats of seeds for cucumbers, zinnias, pumpkins, winter squash, summer squash, melons and broccoli.– Prepare one garden bed and plant fava beans.– Weed the garlic and asparagus beds.– Weed the main path in my community garden plot.

Work Day

We had a fantastic spring Work Day at the Belmont Victory Gardens yesterday! We must have have well over 100 gardeners shown up. All of us ready for garden work after a long winter. Ready to rake, dig and join with our old friends in the beautiful start of another season. Once again, Bob kept my camera in action and took photos of the event. I love how good he is at photographing smiles. Things we accomplished: – The area in front of the new plats was cleared of rocks…


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Weed Killer Canes make killing weeds easy, leave no spots, and help the environment. Denver, Colorado (April 1, 2011) – Weed Killer Canes help protect the environment by using just the right amount of herbicide needed to kill the weed. No more heavy sprayers, bending over, or yellow spots on the lawn. Due to a higher volume of sales, we have been able to lower our price. You can now purchase a Weed Cane for only $5.99! “I got the idea when I saw a neighbor…

calculating compost

Our community garden is figuring out how to get a nice compost product this year. Our priorities are a screened, delivered, organic product that fits in our budget. Here’s a nice site to calculate compost coverage: SOIL AMENDMENT CALCULATOR We have about 125 plots averaging about 15 square feet each (my guess). That’s about 28,000 square feet total. I’m figuring 2 inches coverage on all plots would be good. The calculator says we need 173 cubic yards of compost. That seems like a lot. At 15 cubic yards per truckload,…

garden accomplishments

Yesterday my son and I worked a couple hours in the garden. We got a lot done: GARLIC: We cleared out the weeds and old vines from the squash bed, flattened the soil and then my son planted 40 cloves of garlic. He also transplanted the garlic volunteers that came up this fall in last year’s bed. I need to figure out how many more cloves to plant. I think maybe 20 or 30 more. Its really nice to be planting cloves I grew – FREE! (I paid a lot…