We had a fantastic spring Work Day at the Belmont Victory Gardens yesterday!
We must have have well over 100 gardeners shown up. All of us ready for garden work after a long winter. Ready to rake, dig and join with our old friends in the beautiful start of another season.
Once again, Bob kept my camera in action and took photos of the event. I love how good he is at photographing smiles.
Things we accomplished:
– The area in front of the new plats was cleared of rocks and debris and leveled so it can be mowed this summer.
– We designed, purchased supplies, and installed corner posts for a new set of staged compost bins.
– Two areas where garden debris has been piled in previous years were cleared to expose the layer of rich compost so gardeners can take it to their gardens.
– Two new plots were added and cleared, one by the meadow, one at the back.
– A big area of debris and dense raspberries was cleared between the plots and the meadow.
Thanks to all who helped!!
(PS. Here is a slide show of the photos : link)
3 Comments. Leave new
There is nothing like a bunch of gardeners together working toward a common goal. It's better than a backyard barbecue. I am so glad I found this blog a week ago. I have started at the beginning (2006) and am reading it as I would a book… curled up with my laptop and a cup of coffee. Sometimes I can't find the Archives on your page, though. Strange! I have followed your links to other blogs and although I enjoy quite a few of them, nothing compares. Fabulous job, Skippy and Kathy. Just fabulous!
I LOVE all your comments!! Thanks.
Yes, my blog has a bunch of problems and I may have found a solution to fix these soon.
Sometimes the archives are not there. And I think the archive links don;t show the whole month for those with lots of posts. I used to have a list of topics on the side bar, but no longer. And it would be nice to have a link on each post to go to the next day. I would also like to have an automatic post on each day for all previous year posts for that same calendar day.
I hope to make progress on fixing these things soon…. Let me know any other suggestions.
I have to say I'm envious of the Belmont Victory Garden group. I have looked and looked but haven't found any community gardens near us. Look forward to this year's progress!