2019 variety list

Garden Planning
Beets Boro
Bok Choi Asian Delight, Mei Qing Choi, Win-Win Choi
Broccoli Bay Meadows, Diplomat, Piracicaba
Brussels Sprouts Dagan
Cabbage Alcosa, Minuet Napa, Red Express, Tendersweet
Carrot Amarillo, Bolero, Mokum, Scarlet Nantes
Celeriac Mars
Cilantro Slo-bolt
Corn Northstine Dent, Painted Mountain Dent, Jerry Petersen Blue Flint, Robust 997 Popcorn
Cucumber Boothby’s Blonde, Diva, Japanese Long, Max Pack, Straight Nine, Tasty Green
Endive Dubuisson
Escarole Rhodos
Fennel, bulb Fino
Gourds Autumn Wings Mix
Greens Misome
Herb Basil Eleonora, Basil Purple Opal, Basil Sweet Thai, Basil Tuscany, Dill Teddy, Parsley Italian Large Flat Leaf, Rosemary, Thyme Common, Thyme Creeping, Thyme French
Kale Black Magic, Winterbor
Leeks Bandit
Lettuce Alkindus, Bambi, Bibb, Little Gem, Rouxai, Salanova Oakleaf, Tennis Ball, Truchas
Mustard Ruby Streaks
Onion Nabechan Bunching, Patterson, Wethersfield Red, Yankee
Parsnip Cobham Improved, Hollow Crown, Javelin
Pea Oregon Giant, Super Sugar Snap
Pepper Ace, Canary Bell, Flaming Flare Fresno, Golden Marconi, Habanada, Jalepeno, King of the North, Leutschauer Paprika, Lipstick, Long Thin, Poblano, Red Ember, Red Rocket, Shishito, Thai Hot
Bean pole Asian white, Iroquois Skunk, Logan Giant, Northeaster
Radicchio Indigo
Soy bean Tohya
Spinach Kookaburra
Summer Squash Black Beauty Zucchini, Costata Romanescu Zucchini, Yellow Crookneck
Swiss chard Bright Lights
Tomato Carbon, Chef’s Choice Orange, Cherokee Purple, Dr. Lyle, Martha Washington, Mortgage Lifter, New Girl, Opalka, Orange Blossom, Pink Beauty, Pink Brandywine, Polish Linguisa, Principe Borghese, Raspberry Large Red, San Marzano, Sterling Old German, Sun Gold, True Black Brandywine
Watermelon Blacktail Mountain, Sugar Pot
Winter squash Six heirloom butternuts: Canada Crookneck, Greek Sweet Red, Palav Kadu, Rogosa Violino, Shishigatani, Sucrine Du Berry.  Plus, Tuffy Acorn and Waltham Butternut


Flowers Alyssum Royal Carpet, Amaranth Hopi Red Dye, Bachelor Button Florist Blue Boy, Black-Eyed Susan Vine, Calendula Ball’s Improved Orange, Columbine, Cone Flower White Swan, Coreopsis Red Plains, Cosmos Orange, Cotton, Datura,  Ballerina Mix, Foxglove, Gallardia Lollipop Mix, Hyssop Arcado Pink, Joe Pye Weed, Milkweed Butterfly, Mountain Mint, Milk Thistel
Marigold Cottage Red, Judy’s Giant, Kilimanjaro White, Mission Giant Yellow, Petit Mix, Tangerine Gem
Nasturtium Kaleidoscope Mix, Moonlight Vining, Trailing Mix
Poppy Cherry Glow, Hungarian Blue
Salvia Blue Monday Sage, Sirius Blue Sage
Sunflower Goldy Double, Teddy Bear Dwarf
Sweet pea America Sweet Pea, Old Spice Mix
Zinnia El Dorado, Purple Prince


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