What a fantastic weekend for gardening!
Our weather has gone from cloudy and cold (40-50*F) last week to hot and sunny (80’s). Some plants love it, some don’t. I am very pleased to see the sun!!!
My weekend accomplishments:
Transplanted tomato seedlings
Planted popcorn seeds
Weeded the garlic beds
Transplanted pumpkin and squash seedlings
Constructed squash support
Watched a hummingbird visit wild bluebells
Mowed about half of the community gardens paths
Discovered a big fat toad in my garden
Hilled potato plants
Discovered baby pears and apples forming
Began pruning my espaliered pear trees
Watered the new transplants
We continue to eat lettuce in abundance from the cold frame. Its bolting as we pick it. Also lots of escarole, parsley and thyme. My husband removed the panels from the cold frame yesterday. The open frame is now filled with bolting lettuce and many trays of seedlings. I planted out eggplant seedlings into the soil in the frame last week. Eggplants and pepper seedlings are very small and I’m babying them. This hot weather should be just what they like.
I am planning to layer newspapers and then straw on the squash bed. This bed is at the forefront of the photo above. These layers should keep the weeks down and the moisture in this summer.(I hear the Boston Globe uses all soy-based inks.) I have added extra compost to this bed, which the squashes enjoy.
My plot from the northeast:
My plot from the southwest:
My plot from the northwest:
Jobs waiting to be done (always more…):
Plant bean, soy bean, sunflower and nasturtium seeds
Transplant leftover tomatoes, peppers and eggplants into bigger pots to bring my parents and give away later next week
Transplant lettuce, pepper, cucumber and melon seedlings
Plant dahlia tubers
Keep weeding and watering
Plant more beets, radish and lettuce
Check on the toad
Keep the bird bath full
6 Comments. Leave new
Yes, Kathy, the Sun God shone its face upon us this weekend. What a glorious weekend it was. I'm so glad it was good for you… always means I'll read something wonderful at the end of it all.
The garden is looking good. Sounds like it's keeping you plenty busy.
"Watched a hummingbird visit wild bluebells…Discovered a big fat toad in my garden"
I see you found time for the important work, too!
Beautiful! I'm still waiting for the warm weather, but some day soon…
Your garden is beautiful and big! Jealous!
Hi. Here in Utah it rained on Memorial day. Big time. We broke old records. Spring is not coming yet.
Your garden is looking great.
We just planted our tomatoes and other veggies and hope that we'll have a good crop this year.