Skippy and I walked through the community gardens today. Lots of very neatly tucked in garden beds. Many have salt marsh hay. Some plastic, some a layer of manure, some a good growth of cover crop. We’re ready.
Someone recently left a note that Mahoney’s has a good supply of salt marsh hay.
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Salt Marsh Hay sounds exotic to me. We mulch with pine straw. The beds under the pine trees are self-mulching, sometimes too much so with so many pine needles falling. I should be out raking, right now.
Wow I've never seen it at Mahonies (I live just a couple miles away from their Winchester one). I have found salt marsh hay recently at Wilson's Farm. Last I looked they had a huge pile.
I have gotten it several times at Mahoney's in Winchester. Actually I think that's the only place I've gotten it. You need to ask for it. They keep it up in the woods.
This year I didn't buy any. Mine from last year (or was it two years ago?) was still fine. I pile it up in the summer and spread it out in the winter.
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