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I’ve been working hard this summer on Aurelia’s Garden, a non-profit company I started with a several friends. We’re growing vegetables for donation to local food pantries. We’ve grown and donated over 2,000 pounds of produce this year to Open Table of Maynard, which serves Middlesex county (in Massachusetts) officially, but actually serves anyone who needs food. We are now in our fundraising month and we are asking for contributions so we can expand our cultivated space next year with a goal of quadrupling our donations. Please consider a donation.…
it’s tomato season at last!!!
I have buckets full of beautiful red tomatoes now! It’s amazing we get through the whole rest of the year without these glorious garden fresh tomatoes. My tomatoes ripened quite a bit later this year than previous years, but it looks like I’ll make up for that by having LOTS!! This year I have 17 different varieties. I was planning to only plant a couple varieties – just my favorites, but it was really hard to narrow it down, and the there are always new ones to try. So I…
today’s harvest
Oh my goodness! So much bounty from the garden. I used harvests from this past week today to make two pickle recipes as well as cucumber salad and sauteed zucchini for dinner tonight.
today’s harvest – eggplants!
My first eggplants of the season!! I am excited to harvest these. Eggplants have trouble growing in my garden because of flea beetles. Last year I had didn’t get any eggplants, though I planted a dozen plants. The leaves had more holes than green, the plants barely grew, and no fruit. I tried again anyway and it’s much better this year. I guess there are fewer flea beetles this year. I know they hatch in waves and like to feed on hot sunny days. I think maybe we had a…
today’s harvest – garlic!!
This is my garlic harvest!! Plus a few onions and some dill. I am pleased with my garlic this year. About 70 nice big heads. I will wash them, then let then dry in the sun a day or so, and then trim the roots and stems. This is a great variety of garlic. It was given to me by a friend and she couldn’t remember the name. An Allium expert told me the other day that she is sure this variety is German Red.
today’s harvest
I love it when I can bring in a basket filled with all sorts of vegetables. Today I have bok choy, round cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccolini, radicchio, some red oak leaf lettuce, pickling cucumbers, and summer squashes: yellow, patty pan and zucchini. I think there is some basil in there too.
Skippy’s calendar app is out
Woohoo! My completely updated vegetable seed planting calendar app is now available. Just in time for Fall Planting. Let me know how you like it! Leave a comment here or at the store. At the Apple App Store the app is here: Skippy’s App for iOS. For GooglePlay, use this link: Skippy’s App for android.
4th of July harvest
My 4th of July harvest is escarole and basil. I ended up with way too much, so this is the box I put out to share with my neighbors. I thought the big heads of escarole looked nice broken in half and tied with a string. This way the blanched inner leaves show. In past years, I would have had my family or some friends over the celebrate the 4th in our patio. I have often posted photos of my mom or my sister picking vegetable in my garden. Not…