today is giving Tuesday

Food Pantry Garden
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I’ve been working hard this summer on Aurelia’s Garden, a non-profit company I started with a several friends. We’re growing vegetables for donation to local food pantries. We’ve grown and donated over 2,000 pounds of produce this year to Open Table of Maynard, which serves Middlesex county (in Massachusetts) officially, but actually serves anyone who needs food.  We are now in our fundraising month and we are asking for contributions so we can expand our cultivated space next year with a goal of quadrupling our donations. Please consider a donation. Any amount helps!!

$5 buys seed to grow 50 pounds of carrots

$10 buys pots to raise 130 tomato seedlings

$25 buys seed potatoes to grow 200 pounds of potatoes

Thank you!!!

Aurelia’s Paypal Donate Button

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