garden aerial

Deep shadows. Piles of compost on the beds. Fallen maple leaves. Still growing: Sage, parsley, oregano, collard greens, celeriac and marigolds. The dahlia still hasn’t frozen down. (Lower right of photo.) We haven’t had a hard frost up next to the house yet. I usually wait til is dies back to dig the tubers, but will probably do this today anyway.

aerial of my sideyard garden

A rainy dark day. A hard frost was predicted, but temps only went to about 35*F. I have removed a lot of the plants by now and a couple beds have a cover of mixed green winter manure (cover crop mix of vetch, clover, peas and rye) growing. Yesterday I harvested the last of the shell beans and cucumbers, plus nice handfuls of fresh herbs.

a beautiful gardening day

Today I cleaned up my side yard garden. What a fantastic day. Chores: – Photograph in the morning light everything that was blooming. – Photograph all the spider webs. – Harvest basil, soybeans and cucumbers. – Pull, bag and dispose of all the tomato debris. – Pull and compost the peas and stack the pea poles. – Support the garden fence better. – Trim and adjust the rose shoots. – Trim the grass/weeds between the garden beds. – Empty compost tumbler and spread onto 2 cleared beds. – Dismantle an…

garden aerial

I used to visit and revisit it a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil, or a rose of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green.-Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mosses from an Old Manse, 1854 My home vegetable garden…

my side yard vegetable garden

Looks like early spring with all the sprouts and bare spots. I didn’t plant much during June because of all the rain and cool weather. Plus the slugs ate what little I did plant. But last week, I sowed lots of seeds. Bush beans, pole beans, shell beans, soybeans, peas, lettuce, escarole, broccoli, beets, collards and kale. Enough to transplant out to my community plot and fill up the spaces there too. Its all sprouting nicely now. And with the warm sunny weather we are having now, the basil is…

wet aerial view

Wow. An empty garden. And yet another wet day. I finally got out there to weed on the 4th, which was finally a dry day. But weeding pretty much emptied the garden. Next time it dries up a bit, I have lots of seeds to plant: beans, soybeans, nasturtiums, kale, lettuce. Maybe tomorrow?


The left/top area is neglected this year – the right is doin’ good. I’m enjoying the big rambler rose on the fence as the blossoms open. Its a great year for it – an old rose called Dorothy Perkins. The blossoms get bleached to pale pink by the sun, but it is VERY dark magenta this year (no sun).

garden photos

The beds look empty, but actually all are full to the brim. Seedlings are in some, seeds are sprouting in others and some are reserved for planting in a couple weeks. I plant everything as close as possible, so there will be lots of green here soon. In June, the peas will ripen. The peas are all planted now. Half are one inch tall, half are still germinating. I have snap peas and green shell peas this year. In June too, lettuce will be ready for harvest. My lettuce seeds…