aerial after the storm

We were lucky and have very little damage in my yard from hurricane Irene. My rain gauge says we got 3.3 inches of rain. The town of Belmont had a number trees down and power was out in some areas. Tomorrow I’ll check out the other side of town where my community garden plot is. This area is low and sometimes has flooding.

garden aerial

I took this photo in the middle of the August full sun with the sprinklers going. Too much for my camera. I will get another photo soon in dimmer light. What a glorious time of year!

garden aerial

This week the cute little bunny ate my beans almost to nothing – so I now have a new fence made of chicken wire two and a half feet high all around my garden. I didn’t realize those little rabbits can get through fence smaller than 2 inches and can jump a foot or more!!! Amazing. Its a good year for bunnies and a good year for my garden. The hot weather is great for the basil and eggplants. The cukes are producing well and my giant pumpkin vines are…

a year of vegetable garden photos

April 31 and April 9, 2011 March 20 and February 1, 2011 Jan 12, 2011 and December 24, 2010 November 21 and October 6, 2010 August 28 and August 5, 2010 May 30 and April 22, 2010 As my garden starts to take shape for another season, I looked back on last year’s photos. The garden was very shady last year (that backyard tree just keeps growing!) and I had all my tomatoes, potatoes and peppers at home following the late blight the previous summer. Not good crops for partial…

my side yard vegetable garden

I continued today with working on cleaning up my side yard garden. The rose on the fence always need a lot of trimming in the spring. I’m gradually clearing old leaves and last year’s vegetable debris from the beds. Also removing weeds. The dandelions are especially vigorous this year.

side yard aerial

I planted the bed at the far left with 3 rows of peas a few days ago. I’m watching for sprouts. The cold frame is filling up fast and perennials in the bed next to it are sprouting.

March garden view – first day of spring!

Its a beautiful day today to mark the first day of SPRING. I had to open my cold frame doors to lower the heat (it was up to upper 80’s inside, 60’s outside). I worked in the area around the frame and soaked in the sunlight and warmth myself. There are still deep shadows as the sun is still low to the south, but its angle is increasing. I raked the leaf mulch off of flower garden next to the cold frame and cleared off the stone path. I was…

side yard aerial – another snow-covered garden photo

No, this isn’t just the same photo as last month – even though it looks identical. We got about 5 inches of snow on the garden this past weekend. And even though we’ve had warm days, there has been very little melting of our 3 feet of snow cover.