garden photos

Here are photos I took yesterday of my two vegetable garden plots. The top one is my home garden and the bottom is my community plot. Not much work going on in the community garden. I brought home the last of my garden tools and pulled a bunch of carrots yesterday. I still have several crops growing: broad leaved escarole, snap peas, Chinese greens, arugula, kale, lot of beets and radish. I got my home garden winterized yesterday. I heavily mulched my kale, parsley and gnome (poor gnome). If the…

wet garden

Nothing but rain in sight in our forecast. I hope my garden doesn’t float away. But then there’s not very much left in it anyway. I have some great kale, which I am really enjoying. A few tomatoes and peppers trickle in. I am just now starting to pick a small planting of green beans. A few fall shell beans are ripening too. I have some odd radish I’ll have to hardest and try soon. I have parsley and garlic chives. And my gourds are still growing. I planted a…

aerial view of my home garden

As usual, my garden path is wet since yet another rain storm is moving in this afternoon. I can’t remember when I have watered the garden this summer. A very wet year! I have lots of fall seedlings growing in pots now for the empty patches. Mostly greens will go here: arugula, endive, spinach, mesclun mix and many lettuce varieties. Can you spot my pumpkin under the big leaves at the right? Its just starting to turn orange. I’ll have to take its picture soon. The healthy patch of blue-green…

my home garden

I pulled a lot of weeds and overgrown crops yesterday. This makes room for planting fall crops. I pulled patches of bolted arugula, lettuce and endive. These are now nice patches of bare dirt, ready to go. My peas are falling over. Only the purple podded Capucijners soup peas are left now. They will mature soon and then I’ll harvest the pods and pull the plants. For now, I’m letting the vines and trellis do as they please. Note: I added mouse overs to this photo. If you click on…


This is my home garden. We’ve been getting deluged with rain every day this week. The sky seems to just open up and buckets pour down. My rain gauge says nearly 3 inches this week.

my shady home garden

The boards between the vegetables patches are my new thing this year. They are slats from old pallets. They make good walkways. I used to just jump the 3.5 ft beds, but this year I find I am ending up stepping on plants instead of clearing the bed. I think the boards look nice. I went ahead and uncovered my brassicas (no big deal – that’s just the kale and broccoli in the center of the photo). I had them covered to avoid cabbage worms and flea beetles. I got…

home garden aerial

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Its another damp day. I always like how bright the garden greens look in the rain. aerial views of my home vegetable garden

aerial view

Our weather has turned into beautiful springtime the past few days. Temps only went down to 60F last night and the baby tomato plants (in pots still) stayed outside. Everything is growing nicely. I am starting to think that we may not get any more frosts – in my sheltered home garden at least. Yesterday I went ahead and planted sunflower seeds outside. I think bean seeds can go in soon too. Maybe the squash and tomato plants can be transplanted soon! Spring comes so fast once it starts! I’ve…

first day of the sprinklers

A little yellow and gray warbler was having fun under the water. He was too quick for me to photograph.