shady garden

I took this photo of my vegetable garden at 12:00 noon on October 21. Though our weather is still warm (60’s) and sunny, my garden’s sun has disappeared behind the neighboring houses and tall trees. These days I can watch the shadow of our neighbor’s roof peak move across our house. A big tree to the east of my garden blocks the morning sun, so my garden is totally shaded until about 3pm. On a happier note, I have received a phone message about my new community garden plot. Though…

window view

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I transplanted lots of little lettuce seedlings to the space at the front far left of this view. No rows, just a big patch of mixed fall greens. A wet week is predicted, but for now I have the sprinkler watering them. aerial views of my home vegetable garden

overgrown garden

Arrrggghh! I went over to the other side of the fence and looked at my garden today. This is how it looks to my neighbor. I have to admit I have seriously neglected my garden in the past month. My professional work has gotten the better of me. Oh well. I am afraid to stand under my tomato tepees too long as I know they are about to fall over. The vines are out of control this year. The tepees are leaning under the weight and I can’t get them…

end of the summer

With only two days left to summer, here’s a late afternoon shot of my garden from the upstairs window. Today I removed the row covers from the broccoli and kale since I haven’t seen any white butterflies around in a while. The plants look pretty good. The extra broccoli seedlings that I didn’t cover were eaten almost to nothing. I’ll eventually post photos of these two. Also today, I got out my hoe and prepared some soil for my fall lettuce. I have some seedlings I planted several weeks ago.…

month by month

April 28 and May 11, 2007 May 25 and June 4, 2007 June 16 and June 25, 2007 July 17 and July 27, 2007 August 6 and August 28, 2007 garden aerial view

summer garden

An aerial view of my vegetable garden. I took this picture at 10:45 am. The sun has reached the beds at the right, and will gradually move leftward. The far left beds get full sun at 12:30. Every year, the big old maple tree in my backyard gets a little bigger and my garden gets a little more shade. aerial views of my home vegetable garden

my garden

I’ve been busy with my camera today! In the upper right is the nice open area where the rhododendron was removed. My tomatoes have more sun now. In the foreground are garlic, carrots and beans. Looks like its time to clip back the rose. I’m planning to move the cukes from the back corner over to the sunny area left by the rhododendron.

aerial view

I have some garden helpers who are removing the big old rhododendron at the lower right end of my garden. Its a several day project to chop it into pieces and pack them into garbage cans for removal. The bush was shading my tomatoes and potatoes quite a bit, so I finally decided it should go. It turned out to be a fun project for my garden helpers who just happened to have a new saw-type tool to try out. My dad has looked into composting rhododendrons for me and…