soggy garden

I wish I had had time to garden two days ago when we had a sunny dry day, but I didn’t. I could have turned the soil and planted the peas. Now we are in the middle of a rainy spell. It will probably be muddy for another three or four days. My goal was to get the planting started by April 15. That’s 11 days away. I did finally figure out the problem with my irrigation system. One of the tubes was pushed deep into the soil. This is…

much too cold

I thought our weather was getting better, but its gotten colder again. In the single digits this week. My yard is an ice sheet! No outdoor gardening any time soon. I didn’t want to go outside to take a picture this week – this is the view from my diningroom (my office) where I spend alot of my time working these days. Its hard to believe that it will be spring in 2 weeks! Looks like it may be a cold spring in New England.

bushes by the house

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These are the bushes I’d like to remove this spring. Definitely the two (rhodo and yew) to the left, and maybe also the yew at the right. There’s also a very overgrown yew just out of sight behind the big rhododendron, which will also come out. I’ve also been thinking about removing the raspberry and blueberry bushes in the foreground. (Maybe too much removal for one year…) The berries are about 10 years old and did well for several years, but not recently. My dad would like the rhodo and…

aerial views of my home vegetable garden

winter wonderland

Yesterday’s snow was the sticky type that sticks to all the tree branches and makes it look like a winter wonderland. The forcast says more snow is on the way.

garden pictures from last year

Without anything going on in the garden, I am yet again fooling around with last years photos… Sometime last fall, I set up a Flickr account and started uploading my photos there. Its a way to blog a higher resolution photo than Blogger uploads allow. Flickr has all sorts of features for tagging and grouping and rating photos. The photos in this composite are the ones that have been viewed the most. Some of the photos, I wonder why they get viewed. Why do people view my thermometer (46 views)?…

view with new camera

This is another photo with my new camera. I think it gives me a slightly wider view than my old camera. Today is a very snowy day and we have a couple inches of fresh snow. Its taking me a while to get used to my new camera (Olympus Stylus 720 SW). I have trouble with the lens cover, which closes every time I turn the camera off. If there’s any moisture on the lens, it then smears when I turn the camera on and doesn’t focus well. I think…

long shadows

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Here’s one of my first photos with my new little camera. It’ll take me some time to get used to it. The first thing I notice is the colors don’t seem as nice as my old camera, but I’ll need to try it in different lighting and subjects to really compare. This photo is unedited, except for a little cropping.