late autumn garden

I’ve started picking things up in preparation of winter. I pulled up the cucumber vines and put away their trellis. I pulled up the basil roots and removed the old bean plants and old lettuce. Not much is left. Mostly just the tomatoes and pole beans to remove when we get a frost warning. In the bed that is empty, I scattered winter rye as a cover crop for the winter. This will add nutrients and will look nice over the winter. I also put up my rusty old metal…

Skippy’s garden photo show

I have a new toy. I put some pictures at Flickr. You can view a slide show of my garden growing at: Skippy’s slideshow. Its just 7 views of the garden from above that I’ve taken over this past season. I’m also trying to learn HTML by the trial-and-error method, so please excuse the odd blog formats. Hopefully I’ll figure things out soon.

bird’s eye view

I’m doing a bit better putting panoramas together without seams, but I have a terrible problem with a dirty camera. I’m looking forward to bringing it to a shop for cleaning tomorrow. I suppose it makes sense that it would need some maintenance once in a while. Anyway, this photo is the garden from upstairs with my 12 foot tall tomatoes and dahlias. Our weather has cooled off into the 50-60’s at night, 70’s in the day. The garden is still growing. I recently planted some Swiss chard and I’m…

September garden

A little brown on the edges now, but pretty good on the production.

vegetable garden

I’ve been away for a week and the garden has been growing without me. We must have had good growing weather while I was gone. I’ve never had my tomatoes grow sooo tall! The squash plants are growing onto the carrots. The marigolds are blooming away. The pole beans grew a foot. The carrots are quite big (what am I going to do with all those carrots anyway?). And the basil is quickly producing a second crop. I had scattered lettuce seeds in many areas and the seedlings are growing..

looking out the window

I can see my tomato, basil and cucumber plants through the dining room window. A cane from a climbing rose brushes against the screen.

August garden

There are a couple of places where it looks like there is empty dirt. But not really. Lots of baby pole beans have sprouted under the tee-pee at the right, in front of them is a row of bush bean sprouts. Around the basil and under the big lettuce are lots of baby lettuce and endive seedlings. I’m hoping for a long growing season this year.