view with new camera

Old Urban Garden, Photos of my Gardens

This is another photo with my new camera. I think it gives me a slightly wider view than my old camera. Today is a very snowy day and we have a couple inches of fresh snow.

Its taking me a while to get used to my new camera (Olympus Stylus 720 SW). I have trouble with the lens cover, which closes every time I turn the camera off. If there’s any moisture on the lens, it then smears when I turn the camera on and doesn’t focus well. I think because it has such high resolution and such a small lens, it is hard to focus anyway. The camera also has many settings to figure out. Maybe just a better and more complex camera than my previous one and I will continue to work at it.

The bushes to the right in this photo are two of the bushes I plan to remove this spring to make room for more vegetables. Closest to the fence is a large rhododendron, next to it is a yew. I think my tomatoes will do well in this spot against the south side of the house.

aerial views of my home vegetable garden

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I’m looking forward to seeing all the changes in your raised beds, from snow to some harvest in just a few months.

  • Well, I’m looking to forward to harvesting the carrots that are buried under the snow. I left alot of them in the ground. I meant to pull them just before it snowed, but I didn’t get to it. So once it thaws I’ll have a carrot harvest. (I’m looking forward to taking a picture of a big pile of carrots.) That should be soon, maybe middle of March?


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