a beautiful gardening day

Old Urban Garden, Photos of my Gardens

Copy of sept aerial

Today I cleaned up my side yard garden. What a fantastic day.

– Photograph in the morning light everything that was blooming.
– Photograph all the spider webs.
– Harvest basil, soybeans and cucumbers.
– Pull, bag and dispose of all the tomato debris.
– Pull and compost the peas and stack the pea poles.
– Support the garden fence better.
– Trim and adjust the rose shoots.
– Trim the grass/weeds between the garden beds.
– Empty compost tumbler and spread onto 2 cleared beds.
– Dismantle an old decayed compost bin.
– Hand sift compost from bin and spread on the 2 cleared beds.
– Topseed 2 beds with green manure mix (from Johnny’s – a mix of vetch, field peas, clover and winter rye)
– Clean up and have a cranberry martini.

An aerial series of this year’s garden so far: April through September.

garden aerial aerial aerial aerial aerial wet aerial 2 aerial August 25 Copy of sept aerial

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aerial of my sideyard garden