today’s garden work

I was at my community garden plot. Today’s work: – Pick the last of the winter squashes and one last summer squash: a nice Costata Romanescu zucchini. – Harvest the green tomatoes. Take down and compost the dry tomato vines. (I didn’t have time to water these for the past, very dry, two month.) – Harvest green beans. I got a nice late crop of Jumbo, a wide Italian bean. – Cut back dry perennial flowers, like tansy, and the tall dried up sunflowers. – Weed the beds so they…

today’s garden work

– Weeding! of course – Removed suckers and added ties to tomatoes – Set up the last of the tomato support strings – Transplanted escarole and broccoli seedlings

garden work

My sister helped me in my garden today! What fun. In two hours we got so much done. We transplanted lots of little pots of seedlings that I grew from seed, petunias, dianthus. Also some purchased thymes and basils. Then we attended to my tomato plants: we removed suckers and lower leaves, and added support strings. We weeded several beds sparing a rogue tomato plant, as well as scattered cilantro and dill plants. Thanks Sis!

visiting my parents garden

My parents gardens is especially beautiful this year. I am envious of their garlic. It is beginning to form scapes. The plants are big and deep green – no yellow leaves yet. My garlic has suffered from my under-watering and, though it is also beginning to scape, has yellowing leaves already. A friend has a recipe for garlic scape pickles that I look forward to trying soon.

today’s garden work

My husband got me two nice plastic boxes that I filled with garden stuff, one for each of my vegetable gardens. The boxes are black so they won’t detract from garden beauty. The stuff: Twins, clippers, plant labels and pens, gloves (which I never wear), sunscreen, tissues, wire for hoops, fertilizer. I added a few leftover bags of topsoil (I don’t know why we had these, I hate plastic bags of stuff) to my 6th bed, turned it, raked flat, then planted 1 row green beans (Maxibel) and 4 rows…

garden work

At my community plot: Dug potato trenches and planted 2 lb Canela russets Turned the winter rye cover under in three beds Moved perennials so the big helianthis is now behind the daisy and echinacea Transplanted leeks, shallots, bunching onions and lots of standard onions Watered everything well (its a dust bowl here today! no rain in weeks)

garden work

At my community plot:  Emptied my compost bin Spread ripe compost onto beds Returned unripe materials back to bin Transplanted Johnny-Jump-Ups out of potato bed Transplanted asparagus to a sunnier bed Mulched and watered transplanted asparagus Removed stray strawberry plants (Gave away strawberry and asparagus plants 🙂 Turned potato bed – ready to plant! At my backyard garden: Raked turned beds flat Finished fall leaf clean up Planted broccoli, cabbage, escarole, radicchio and lettuce Watered transplants Covered broccoli and cabbage with row cover

Happy St Patrick’s Day – turning my pea bed soil

I was able to get a shovel into the soil of my pea bed yesterday. Most of the soil is thawed and draining and the bed is no longer filled with mud. There’s still some ice underneath at the edges. Especially the south edge where snow blocks a bit of sunlight. Some of the ice I was able to break and turn to expose to the sun, a bit of it was too solid for the shovel. I turned under most the scrawny cover of rye grass. I think this…

today’s garden work

Today I spent about 3 hours at my community plot and was happy to get to ALL SET (! YEAH!!) for the impending season – not to be named… Accomplished: – Planted 76 cloves of garlic, then mulched it with old salt marsh hay that was on my garden paths for the summer – Cut down asparagus ferns and laid them on the patch for mulch, weeded the patch and added salt hay mulch – Piled trash (3 old chairs, rotted edging wood from my 6 yr old raised beds…

today’s garden work

Not only are the days short now, but dusk seems to last for hours. The sun hovers, lingering at the horizon, then slowly sinks for the night. Today in the long twilight I got some garden work done. – I hosed clean my sweet potatoes then transferred them to a smaller storage bucket. – I looked up how to decontaminate my late blight infested tomato vine debris. Then I tarped it over for the winter. – I brought 6 or 7 giant hosta clumps that a friend gave me down…