today’s garden work

Garden Work

I was at my community garden plot. Today’s work:

– Pick the last of the winter squashes and one last summer squash: a nice Costata Romanescu zucchini.
– Harvest the green tomatoes. Take down and compost the dry tomato vines. (I didn’t have time to water these for the past, very dry, two month.)
– Harvest green beans. I got a nice late crop of Jumbo, a wide Italian bean.
– Cut back dry perennial flowers, like tansy, and the tall dried up sunflowers.
– Weed the beds so they are ready for seeding a cover crop next week. The garlic can be planted in a couple weeks too. (I have to order that! I forgot.)

All that’s left for vegetables in my community is some very late tomatillos, covered with flowers. Some small fennel. The beans may squeak in another crop. And I have a good row of leeks that are small without my watering, but still respectable (in my opinion).

There are flowers there too: some giant pink zinnias, nasturtiums and anise hyssop (covered with bees).

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