potato order

I’ve decided on my potato selection for this year. 4 types, all from Fedco Moose Tubers: Natascha, v. early, yellow skin/yellow flesh, waxy, high yield, high scab res AmaRosa, mid-late, red skin/red flesh, waxy, high yield, high scab res German Butterball, late, yellow-russet skin/yellow flesh, med/dry texture, med/high yieid, exel storage Russet Burbank, late, russet skin/white flesh, dry texture, high yield, high scab res., exel storage Last year I restrained my self to one variety, spaced the eyes out nicely, and ended up with a very poor harvest. I’m looking…

a seed give away!!

GIVE AWAY IS DISCONTINUED – We’ve just come across information that Apple has started removing apps that offer incentives for reviews. Sorry. (1-13-2016) I have a lot of seeds that I saved from last year. Perfect for a seed give away. Just leave a comment on my calendar app at Apple or Google Play, and I’ll send a sample of seeds of your choice, until my collection runs out. Our apps really are worth trying. There’s nothing else like them on the market. Simple, easy-to-use and uncluttered, with no in-app…

ordering seeds

I thought I’d be a bit more orderly about this process this year. I usually just order throughout the year as I think of seeds I forgot to buy. This year, I made a list of my favorite seeds – the ones I want to plant this year. I’m going through my saved seeds now to check off ones I already have. I’ll put those varieties at the front of my rubber-banded packs of seed types. Maybe I can order most of my seeds now and save on the shipping…

early seed catalog

I just got my first seed catalog! I thought they came out at the end of December.

looks like a good day for planting garlic

We had a torrential rain storm last night. My fall greens must have loved it. Now it’s drying up and the sun is out. I brought a dozen bags of compost, manure and topsoil down to my garden yesterday. Also, a bale of salt marsh hay. I’m just waiting now for a new version of Photoshop to download (my old one didn’t seem to work with my new Windows 10 OS). Separating the cloves as I wait. Once it’s done, me and the dogs are going to go do some…

garlic sources for planting

Here’s the list of garlic seed sources that people have recommended so far from my post a few days ago. They look awesome! I can’t wait to try out some new sources. If you have one to add, let me know and I’ll include it here. Pacific Northwest: Filaree Garlic Farm – So many! This source was seconded and thirded! Washington State Adaptive Seeds: Good selection, also grey shallots, free shipping over $50. Oregon Territorial Seeds: Oregon Colorado:  The Garlic Store Potato Garden New England: Fedco bulbs division: Maine. Ordering…

ordering garlic – where do you buy garlic?

I FINALLY remembered to order my garlic. I hope it gets here soon. I’d like to plant it at the end of this month – in 2 or 3 weeks. My garlic crop had problems this year. More than half of it rotted in the ground. I only harvested 40 heads so I decided to eat them all and buy new (clean) stock. I usually like to save 75-100 cloves (about 15-20 of the biggest heads) for planting. I checked a couple local sources first (Johnny’s and Fedco) but seems…

turnip seeds

The turnip seeds arrived a day later than the rest of my Johnny’s shipment. They’re planted now too. September 11, 2015  Turnip, Scarlet Queen Red Stems

seed swap – old and new seeds

We had a fun seed swap at my community garden last evening. I forgot to take a picture of us. We had seed packages spread out all over a big table and we were like little kids Christmas morning. We rifled through packets, took a bit of this and a bit of that, and talked about the varieties. I’ve always wondered how a seed swap works. We’ve never had one, though people had asked for one, because I just didn’t understand how to set it up. Well this is how…

seed sorting

I’ve been reading piles of seed catalogs this week. They keep arriving in the mail. I circle and make wish lists. If I ordered everything that’s caught my eye, I’d go broke and have closets filled with seeds. Plus I’m sure I already have many of these seeds. So today I’m sorting my old seeds. My seed baskets are a jumble after a busy year. I’m piling the same types of seeds together. Lettuces, tomatoes, squashes…. The seeds I remember not sprouting this year go in the trash along with…