canning tomatoes

I bought 25 lbs of local tomatoes at the Farmer’s Market, added a few of mine and canned 11 quart jars. Recipe: – Peel tomatoes after scorching in boiling water 1 minute. Slit and remove seeds. Slice in food processor with 1/4 inch blade. – Clean quart canning jars in dishwasher. Boil lids and rings in water on the stove. – Pack tomatoes in jars to 1/2 inch of the top. (I added a small chili pepper to half of the jars.) Clean rims. Apply lids and rings. After tightening…

summer squash bread

I have a fridge full of summer squashes. Zucchini, yellow and a green patty pan this year. Our Friday night dessert is a warm out-of-the-oven summer squash bread. To use extra squashes (tonight I added an extra cup of grated squash to the recipe), I added some spelt flour (whole wheat would be the same) to my favorite summer squash bread recipe. And a bit of molasses, too. Serve with your local rum, ahh.

fried potatoes

I can’t do much gardening now, but I’m cooking and eating my produce. Today’s recipe is fried potatoes. I found, then lost, a recipe online that worked great. Standard potatoes: russets, blues, etc. Sweet potatoes Canola oil 1- Scrub and cut standard potatoes (whites, yellows and/or blues, leave skin on). Rinse in cold water, then soak 5 or more minutes in cold water. 2- Heat oil to 210-230*F. 3- Dry soaked potatoes on towel, then fry about 10 minutes in preheated oil. Remove to paper towel and let cool. 4-…

grilled vegetables

This is our dinner the night of a harvest. Everything grilled outside: sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets, carrots and some greens from my perennial (walking) onion. To grill, my husband gets a nice hardwood fire going, then puts vegetable slices on and brushes with olive oil and turns them as they cook. He keeps them far enough from the fire so they can cook for about 20 minutes, but close enough so they brown nicely during this time.

giant patty pan squash bread

After returning from vacation, I found this giant white patty pan squash growing in my garden. I should have weighed or measured it. I didn’t, but it was pretty big. It made about 8 cups of grated squash. I made my old summer squash bread recipe. Its exceptionally good! I also sauteed some grated squash for dinner. I added a bunch of chopped onion, fresh garlic and thyme, then lightly sauteed in olive oil. After it finished cooking, I grated on a bit of Robusto cheese. Delicious! I’d like to…

cheers to cucumber season!

My first cukes are in. Yippy! I love to make cucumber martinis. Of course, they’re nice in salads too. My earliest varieties are blocky white North Carolina pickling cucumbers and Burpee’s Sweet Success. This year I am growing my cucumbers (and melons) on trellises in my cold frame (with covers removed). I have an automatic sprinkler set up to give them 10 minutes of water every evening. They seem to like this.

kale and squash risotto

I planted a enormous crop of kale this year and a couple weeks ago asked for recipe suggestions. I tried the kale risotto from the Moosewood Cookbook and it was DELICIOUS! Thanks for the recommendation. I used my last homegrown butternut squash from last year and a few spring onions that I pulled today. (I’m not really sure where the onions came from – probably ones I missed year that over-wintered and grew into large scallions-like onions this spring. They were very pungent and a bit dry, more like garlic…

Super Bowl martini

Go Saints! Today’s martini recipe: Chill two glasses, martini shaker and a nice bourbon. To shaker add: crushed ice, chilled bourbon, a couple drops sweet vermouth, and wave the Angostura bitters nearby. Shake well. Pour into chilled glasses with skewered Maraschino cherry and dried fruits (fig, cherry, cranberry). Add Maraschino cherry juice to sweeten taste. (This is called a bourbon martini, also a Sahara-dry Manhattan.)

orange Jarrahdale pumpkin – pumpkin ginger soup

I grew this pumpkin in my community garden plot this summer. It was a beautiful shade of mottled green-blue-gray when I picked it (photo). I ended up with three 6-10 lb Jarrahdale’s from two plants. One I made into fantastic pumpkin soup and pumpkin bread at Thanksgiving time. The other I gave to my brother and he did the same. This is the third. Its now on my dining room table and has ripen to bright yellow-orange. I’m thinking about baking with it soon (tomorrow). Jarrahdale’s have very thick, flavorful,…

Christmas potatoes

This is a delicious recipe my mother-in-law made for Christmas dinner. about 4 or 5 large potatoes potatoes, sliced or diced 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese1 can cream of chicken soup3/4 cup sour cream1/4 cup finely chopped onions2 Tbs melted buttertoasted onions rings Mix everything except toasted onion rings. Put in a baking dish. Top with toasted onions rings (or use corn flakes and butter instead). Cook 350*F for 45 minutes.