Valentine eggs

I put together 4 blue eggs and a Meyer lemon as a gift for a friend on Valentines Day.

one of these eggs is not like the others…

So, I’ve collected many pink-brown eggs and many green-blue eggs. In addition to these, I’ve found two specked brown eggs. I know Ginger, my Auracana, is laying the green-blue ones – because that’s what Auracanas (Easter Eggers) do. I know Penny, my Black Astralorp, is laying the brown-pink ones because I saw her pop one out and pretty much caught it as it ejected (!). I don’t know if Penny is the one laying the occasional speckled eggs or if maybe Bertha, my light Brahma, is laying them. A mystery….

fried fresh eggs for breakfast

We went with fried eggs, easy over, for breakfast yesterday. We noticed that the yolks were deeper orange in color than our usual store bought eggs. Also, the whites held together more. I thought they taster richer, but my husband thought they just tasted like eggs. In the past 6 days, my three hens laid 8 eggs. Not bad.

four eggs so far

Both Ginger and Penny laid another egg today. Omelets on the menu here for the weekend. I’m looking forward to comparing the fresh eggs to store bought eggs. I’ve been told they are much better.

another egg

My second egg! This one is medium brown with a few dark speckles. Penny, my Black Australorp, is the one who lays that color egg. Yeah Penny! Penny’s first egg is a quite a bit bigger than Ginger’s first egg yesterday. Both eggs are probably a size that would be called “peewee”.

an egg!!! an egg!!!

An egg, an egg!!! I am so excited! My chickens have laid their first egg. I was busy all day today and, for the first time, didn’t get out to the coop until very late. It was about 7 pm and dark, but the coop light was still on. The hens muttered as I came up, something about “where have you been” and “why didn’t you bring us our leftovers this morning” or maybe it was more like “we’re really glad to see you”. Anyway, they clucked and baaked and…

chickens don’t like the snow – but Suzie LOVES it

Our snow had disappeared for a week or so and my chickens were really pleased. They wandered all around the yard foraging and just generally enjoying the January thaw. But yesterday we got a couple inches of snow and now they won’t come out. They are hanging out in the coop and complaining….. (you’d think they could at least lay eggs while they’re in there – no eggs yet) Its the opposite with Suzie. She can’t get enough of the snow. She brought her chewie out and enjoyed a good…

no eggs yet

My mom emailed me today “Any eggs yet?” I replied “Nope.” She emailed back, “What’s wrong with those chickens?” I told her that I have been very direct in telling the hens that we expect eggs, but what else can I do? They are eating well, they have a nice coop and I do what I can for them. I have had my three chickens for 4.5 weeks now. On Dec 26, they’ll be 23 weeks old. (actually 23 to 27 weeks old.) Usually hens start laying eggs at 24…

chicken (and dog) pictures

Here they are. Skippy is sniffing Bertha. He has been very good recently and both dogs get to be around the hens unsupervised. (I check the egg boxes a couple times a day in this cold – just in case! And, I check all other places the hens have been, just in case they have hidden an egg. Still waiting…) We have a foot of snow on the way this weekend. What will the hens think! They’ll be snowed under.

chicken update

Skippy and Suzie have gradually gotten used to the chickens. The chickens know where to go for safety – under their coop – and the dogs have learned that the chickens can move fast and fly a bit. I am very pleased that I can now l leave the chickens out to forage a while and not worry about the dogs getting them. A bigger worry is the hawks and foxes. So far, so good. I’ve been giving the chickens about an hour a day out of their coop.