chickens love squash….

My chickens are growing, and happy. I’m checking for eggs, none yet. Their favorite foods seem to be: cooked squash, sweet potatoes and garlic mashed potatoes! Yummy. They’ve done a great job with our Thanksgiving leftovers. Other favorites: honeydew melon, corn-on-the-cob, kale, lettuce, cream cheese and cottage cheese. Today I went out to check on the girls, but unfortunately didn’t have time to spend with them. They clucked with pleasure to see me. Guess they’re getting the idea that I bring them good food. I’ve also been letting them out…

spoiled chickens

I think I am going to spoil my chickens. Why not. They’ve just been shipped across the country (from Iowa) as young, barely feathered hens, they have nice coop, but we’re having a bitter November cold snap here in New England. Its 25*F and windy as can be. I know experienced chicken keepers tell me they don’t need extra heat, but it seems a bit of spoiling may be OK for their transition. I’m running an incandecsant bulb (40 watt) for the chickens so they have about 15 hours of…

egg watch

No eggs yet today, but I’m keeping my eyes out….

my new chickens

This is Ginger, my Araucana chicken. She will lay blue/green eggs! And this is Penny, a Black Australorp. She is supposed to be very easygoing, a very good layer of dark brown eggs, and will have black feathers with green highlights. And last, but not least, Bertha, a Light Brahma. She will be BIG and hardy, and beautiful and will lay a few light brown eggs now and then. All three are between 18 and 22 weeks old. Pullets. Right now all are the same size, about as big as…

the chickens are home

Today I picked up my 3 new chickens from the local post office. They all came in one small box. They were clucking away on the bench at the Post Office. They are pullets (females, hens 18-22 weeks old). All are about the size of a large pigeon. I think they’ll grow quite a bit more. One of the breeds I got grows to 10 lbs and I can’t imagine she’s much more than 3 or 4 lbs right now. They are supposed to start laying in a week or…

getting ready for the chickens

My 3 chickens ship tomorrow! They should arrive here on Wednesday. I’ll have to go down to the post office and pick them up. Today I read that chicken food should be inside the coop to keep it dry. I’m working on getting a hook inside to hang the feeder. Also read I’ll need a light to extend daylight time, and a heat lamp. Someone recommended a ceramic heater instead of a heat lamp. Seems like its going to get cold next week, so I’ll get these installed soon. I’m…

new chicken coop

Since I’m waiting to start my vegetable garden – I’m getting some chickens! Today we set our new chicken coop into place in our new back yard. Its a small (3 x 4 feet), sturdy coop with an attached run. I’ve ordered 3 pullets for arrival midweek from McMurray Hatchery. Exciting! I hope I can figure out how to care for them. The 3 pullets (hens 18-22 weeks old) I ordered are three different varieties: Black Australorp, Araucana/Ameraucana, and light brahma. I did a lot of reading on different varieties…


I just assumed chickens were not allowed in my suburban town. But I have been very surprised to learn otherwise. No roosters, but chickens are OK. There’s even a chicken-owners support group (sound like its some sort of bad habit). It seems a hen needs about 4 square feet of coop space. Lets see, a flock of five ia 5 x 5 ft coop, heated I assume…. I’m excited to start learning about keeping backyard chickens. My yard is about 40 x 70 feet and if they don’t mind sharing…