chickens don’t like the snow – but Suzie LOVES it

My Chickens, Skippy, Suzie & Charley

winter chickens

Our snow had disappeared for a week or so and my chickens were really pleased. They wandered all around the yard foraging and just generally enjoying the January thaw. But yesterday we got a couple inches of snow and now they won’t come out. They are hanging out in the coop and complaining…..

(you’d think they could at least lay eggs while they’re in there – no eggs yet)

winter chickens in the coop

Its the opposite with Suzie. She can’t get enough of the snow. She brought her chewie out and enjoyed a good chew in the snow this afternoon.
suzie in the snow suzie with chewie in the snow

Suzie is 7 months old now. She a slim, long legged Portuguese water dog pup and sweet as can be. She doesn’t like to stay still and does a really good job of keeping Skippy (who’s 8 years old now) on his toes.

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