Aurelia’s Garden – our new donation garden

Food Pantry Garden, Starting Seeds
1 Comment


Our new donation garden has a name! Aurelia’s Garden. You can follow us on Instagram – And you can get to our website here: We are a charitable farm, growing food for those with limited access to fresh, locally grown produce.

We will be gardening on a half acre of land that was previously farmed. A nice big space. We’re working on getting grants to fund supplies like equipment and compost. Also working on getting some good buys on equipment like wheel barrows, shovels, etc. It sounds like we’ll be all set before the outdoor gardening season starts – about the first or second week of May.

I’m not so much involved in the grants and equipment end of it – I’m growing seedlings. I get to do the fun part. My hoop house is now full to capacity of seedlings – broccoli, cabbages, kale, onions, beets, eggplants, peppers, lettuce, escarole, chard, basil …

Early next week (after a couple chilly nights over the weekend) I’ll move the pots of brassicas (broccoli, cabbages, kale), greens (lettuce, escarole, chard), and onions outside to my garden. I’ll cover them to keep the cabbage worms off and keep them a bit warmer and they can grow out there until planting time in May. That will free up hoop house space for my next round of potted seedlings – peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, a few okra plants, and basil. And then, after I finish moving pots in and out of the hoop house and up potting my tomatoes, then it will be time to start planting cukes and squashes! The season is moving along, day by day, even though I sometimes feel like we’re standing still with the virus pandemic.

I hope all are well. We are fine here. 🙂  I am very lucky to be able to spend time with my seedlings.



1 Comment. Leave new

  • My garden and seedlings are such a source of calm these days. Thank you for blogging. I enjoy reading your updates


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my new project – helping to start up a Donation Garden
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out with the cabbages, in with the tomatoes