out with the cabbages, in with the tomatoes

Food Pantry Garden, Hoop House, Starting Seeds

My little unheated hoop house is working out very well this year. On Sunday I brought all my tomato, pepper and basil plants down to the hoop house. Since it was full to the brim with onions, brassicas and greens, I moved all of these out to the garden. They can stand the cool weather and I just covered them with a light row cover.

The pictures here show the full hoop house, then after I emptied it, and then the hoop house with the tomatoes, peppers and basil. Still room for the cukes and squashes when they are ready to go out.

My plant shelves inside are full of cucumbers, sunflowers, zinnias and summer squash seedlings. They can’t go out until it’s nice and warm – a couple more weeks.

I’m growing lots more seedlings than I can use in my vegetable garden this year. Most of them are for Aurelia’s Garden – our donation garden.

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