my new project – helping to start up a Donation Garden

Food Pantry Garden, Starting Seeds

I’ve gotten together with a group of gardener friends who have free time since we can’t do much of anything now. There likely won’t be any food shortages due to the corona virus, but there is always a need for fresh vegetables. We have found a nice piece of land that will be loaned to us. We’ll grow food crops and donate our produce to local food pantries. We plan to donate mostly to the Natick and Framingham pantries.

I don’t know how we’ll get everything done yet. We’re working it out as we go. But I’m the major seedling provider, so I am busy!! Busy doing my favorite things. Sowing, watering, thinning, tending, up potting, watching plants grow, etc. My hoop house is filling up fast.

The first seedlings I started for our Donation Garden were onions back in February. I wasn’t sure at that time that we’d get our project going, but I planted lots anyway. Next I stated up the brassicas. Lots of broccoli, cabbages and kale. Yesterday a transplanted many of the barassicas into bigger pots and moved them to my hoophouse.

Tomatoes are next on my list for sowing. It’s always exciting to get the tomatoes going!!! I can almost taste the sweet juicy fruit as I plant!


Here’s my planting list:

Common Name Variety 2020 Date planted 2020 date up potted No. of plants
Beets Boro 18-Mar 40
Broccoli BC 1611 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Broccoli Blue Wind 8-Mar 10
Broccoli Piracicaba 8-Mar 10
Brussels Sprouts Dagan 8-Mar 10
Cabbage Katerina 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Cabbage Tendersweet 8-Mar 10
Cabbage Alcosa 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Cabbage Tete Noir 8-Mar 10
Cabbage January King 8-Mar 10
Cabbage Kalibos 8-Mar 10
Cauliflower Purple of Sicily 8-Mar 10
Cauliflower Amazing 16-Mar 20
Eggplant Hansel 10-Mar 5
Eggplant Kamo 10-Mar 12
Eggplant Astrkom 10-Mar 15
Eggplant Patio Baby 10-Mar 5
Endive Frisse 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Escarole Natascha 5-Mar 26-Mar 10
Kale Biera 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Kale Winterbor 8-Mar 26-Mar 10
Kale Black Magic 8-Mar 10
Leeks Bandit 5-Feb 50
Lettuce Bibb 28-Feb 18-Mar 20
Lettuce Rouxai 22-Mar 26-Mar 40
Misome Misome 5-Mar 25
Okra Burgundy 10-Mar 5
Onion Cabernet 5-Feb 40
Onion Wethersfield Red 5-Feb 25
Onion Yankee 5-Feb 30
Onion Bridger 5-Feb 50
Onion Bridger 8-Mar 160
Pepper Recovery 10-Mar 18
Pepper Lipstick 10-Mar 5
Radicchio Indigo 17-Mar 15
Spinach Bloomsdale LS 18-Mar 60
Spinach Monstrueux De Viroflay 18-Mar 60
Swiss Chard Peppermint 18-Mar 26-Mar 50
Swiss Chard Orange Oriole 18-Mar 12
Swiss Chard Bright Lights 18-Mar 24

5 Comments. Leave new

  • what a wonderful thing you are doing…and the need is so many don’t have access to healthy fresh veggies…thank you…looking forward to updates and photos of your project

  • Wow is this a farm?! That’s a lot of seedlings! Best of luck to you all. 🙂

  • Sandy Gamache
    April 2, 2020 1:09 PM

    Love this, I’m so happy I’ve stumbled across your blog! I’m also in MA(Merrimack Valley) but I’m a beginner with my home vegetable gardener. Therefore, I’m looking to learn as much as I can as I’m trying to establish my garden to be efficient, sustainable with little waste. Can’t wait to look thru your blogs!

  • HI! Sometimes I feel like I’m running a farm, but no, just me planting and transplanting in my kitchen. I do have a nice little 10×12 hoop house that is great for starting seedlings. If I run out of room in the hop house, I’ll set the pots out in my vegetable garden under row cover.

    Some days now I just plant and transplant all day. I guess that’s my way of handling stress. Also I move the seedlings around in the greenhouse. It is pretty stressful for all now I know. It makes me feel better that what I love to do can help others soon. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love hearing from people.

  • Greg Miller
    April 7, 2020 3:34 PM

    That’s awesome! We started donating one day’s harvest to our local pantry. It’s so gratifying.

    You have a great concept and a very worthy cause!


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