just another pretty weed

fleabane in my garden daisy fleabane

A little daisy fleabane (Erigeron annuus) has volunteered in my garden between the broccolis and kale. Its a pretty wildflower that’s native to our area.

wildflowers, weeds, invasives and natives

3 Comments. Leave new

  • It’s always nice to have a few ‘flowers’ mixed in with the vegetables. The fleabane is a nice one to have, if you are going to have a volunteer.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  • Once again, you turn something common into masterpiece. I love your photography…and yes all your food, cooked and uncooked makes my mouth water!

  • This fleabane plant is getting enormous. I’m glad it volunteered as its one of my favorites. And there aren’t many wildflowers left at this time of year.


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