view of the Belmont Victory Gardens from the air

These are clips of my community garden, the Belmont Victory Gardens, that I took from a vimeo by David Sprogis: Rock Meadow. Rock Meadow is a 70 acre piece of conservation land in Belmont that includes the Victory Gardens. It’s a really beautiful vimeo of the area taken from the air. My garden plot is right in the center of the lower photo.

my vegetable garden – “panorama” photo

I took this photo today by running along the edge of my garden and trying to hold the camera steady on its “panorama” setting. A crazy perspective – I really don’t have a curved garden. But I think this will be helpful as I draw up a plan for this year’s garden. I’m working on that now. I have extra space outside the raised beds to fill up. I’m imagining it overflowing with flowers and vegetables this year.

inside my winter tunnel

My winter tunnel is full of greens. Spinach, several types of lettuce, arugula, radicchio, kale, chard, collards, salad turnips, daikon and salad radish, cilantro, some frilly red mustard, escarole, bok choi. Can’t beat this balmy December weather for cool weather crops! I have parsley, escarole, broccoli, beets and kale outside with no protection. Plants in my tunnel are from my winter seed sowing calendar, which is part of Skippy’s full-season planting calendar app. I planted everything to test the planting dates in the app. The app is $1.99 (iOS or…

my garden

Here’s a photo of my vegetable garden now. The frost covers are off and draped over trellises or the fence behind. Looking at this picture reminds me of things that will be happening soon – hopefully before snow cover arrives. Soon we are having a post and rail fence put in around the garden edges. It will be a nicer support for the metal deer fence than the crocked metal pole I have now. I need to take down the tomatoes supports at the left and pull those cornstalks at…

photos from the Belmont Victory Gardens

It’s a drizzly cool day. Finally. It’s been so hot and dry. I took my camera and walked through the paths of my community garden. The star of the day are the sunflowers: bright and tall. The squashes are ripe, tomatoes fading, kale’s and Brussels sprouts are looking good.

my vegetable garden

I’ve been experimenting with ways to photograph my vegetable garden. Above is a “panorama” photograph using my i-phone. And below, a regular photo.

snow covered garden

I’m wondering if these hoops will get covered with snow this year….