I planted a bunch of plants in my mother’s garden last Saturday. Lettuce, peas, spinach, arugula, parsley and beets. Then we dragged her very long hose out and watered things in. It’s still pretty cool here, often dropping to low 30’s at night. I haven’t planted anything out in my garden yet. In fact, I noticed my count down timer on my sidebar here said “zero weeks until my last frost.” Not this year. I’ve added a couple weeks to the timer. May 10 is my guess for this year.
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Our weather has finally settled in the pacific northwest… nights are in the low 50s so I have been empting my cold frame and setting out veggie seedlings, lettuces ( 4 kinds), swiss chard, spinach. Parsley, Leeks and early cut flowers are next. My snap peas and sweet peas(flowering) that I planted earlier are about 5 inches tall. I got all 24 of my dahlia tubers planted yesterday. Love this time of year.
Our official last killing frost date is May 15. But it seems like for the last 10 years or so, we get cool wet weather settle in for a couple of weeks. While they won’t get killed, warm weather loving plants seem to sit and sulk the entire summer if set out before end of May. I *will* be visiting the greenhouse and getting my plants next week though. If the demand for seeds is any indication, waiting to buy until you can plant out in the garden might result in disappointing selection. Or no selection. Sigh… your gardens always look so nice!
I also have very little planted out in the veggie garden as well here in Walpole, MA. (South of Boston) The nights have just been so cold! And what seeds I did plant out there have mostly just sat and done nothing. Even the cold tolerant ones which has been surprising. Of course. The one year I was actually running on time with everything. Seems like we will get even a few more cold nights this weekend. At least the days are lovely. I’ve been using them to weed those forgotten areas of flower beds, prune as needed, and divide overgrown perennials. And to play with my two children… once we finish they day’s homeschooling that is!