sorting seeds


seed packs 2

There’s a blizzard outside today – a good day to sort seeds.

I got out my seed basket, sorted the packets by type, and then selected the ones I want to plant this year. I’ve accumulated so many seeds that I really don’t need to buy any this year. I’ll get some new carrot, beet and summer squash seeds. Also some broccoli and zinnias. But mostly I’ll try to use up the old seeds and not buy more – easier said than done….

I’m thinking I’ll plant a section of garden for the chickens to forage in and direct sow my old greens seeds at 2 week intervals. (I read about doing this in the Territorial catalog last night.) I must have 50 packets of lettuce, escarole, etc seeds.

I checked the seed planting calendar at the link on my sidebar then sorted out the seeds that get planted at the same time. I wrapped these together in a rubberband labeled with the date for planting. Im almost ready to go! In the middle of February, I’ll start planting (11 weeks before my last frost) – the onions and celeriac go in first. I have a month to get my seed shelf and lights set up.

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