Brussels sprouts

I finally got my courage up to try Brussels sprouts. As a child – I DID NOT like them, but Eastern Standard (Boston MA) has a delicious recipe with bacon that I loved!! I’ve never grown Brussels sprouts, but this could be a good new vegetable to try next year.

Brussels sprouts and and kale are about all that’s left in the gardens here now. Maybe I can get a photo to add here tomorrow.

7 Comments. Leave new

  • I love them steamed with a little bit of coarse sea salt. Yumm!

  • They're also good broiled, with a little olive oil and yes salt. I think it's superfun cutting them off the stalk!

  • Bacon and chesnuts and brussels go well together! Makes the brussels taste wonderful. Really.

  • You are brave. I have learned, finally, never to grow something we don't normally eat anyhow, no matter how noble my intentions. To be honest, though, even though I was not raised eating Brussels sprouts, I just LOVE the way the PLANT looks. Delightful!

    Like an alien.

    And I'd love to see my chickens react to it. =)

    Looking forward to any photos you post. Your posts are always inspiring. =)

    btw: and edifying. I did not know until I got the "you misspelled it" red-dot underline that it's Brussels sprouts. Thought it was brussel sprouts. Clearly, a phonetic learner. =)

  • I too have only recently dared to attempt to replace childhood memories of flabby, overcooked frozen brussels sprouts. A quick stir-fry/steam of halved sprouts was a good start, but chestnuts and bacon sound incredible. Must try that next!

  • everything is better with bacon! my first time enjoying brussels sprouts was with bacon and fried shallots.

    ive tried to grow brussels sprouts and i have had weird problems with teeny tiny bugs.. but maybe thats cos of where i bought the plants

  • For those who don't eat bacon: Try cooking your brussels sprouts with thinly sliced shallots and a touch of maple syrup – absolutely delicious! I recently learned that maple syrup is very nutritious, too – even better! I've planted brussels sprouts for the first time this year, too. Fingers crossed.


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