I grew some paperwhites around Christmas time, and they lasted a while once they bloomed. Im letting the folige die back, kind of like tulips, for 6 weeks, before I trim them. Im kind of guessing at it. Are you saving your bulbs for next year, and if so, how will you go bout it?
You can try planting them in the garden and if its a great spot maybe they'll bloom again someday. But usually the process of forcing exhausts the bulbs. Amaryllis are the only bulbs I "re-force". I'll compost these.
Here's a great series of Q and As about this at Garden Web.
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I grew some paperwhites around Christmas time, and they lasted a while once they bloomed. Im letting the folige die back, kind of like tulips, for 6 weeks, before I trim them. Im kind of guessing at it. Are you saving your bulbs for next year, and if so, how will you go bout it?
You can try planting them in the garden and if its a great spot maybe they'll bloom again someday. But usually the process of forcing exhausts the bulbs. Amaryllis are the only bulbs I "re-force". I'll compost these.
Here's a great series of Q and As about this at Garden Web.
A touch of spring, Kathy, and I'll bet it's none too soon for you! Hope you'll also show us the final blossoms.