
paperwhites 4

These are opening much faster than I expected. Its only been 8 days!

3 Comments. Leave new

  • I grew some paperwhites around Christmas time, and they lasted a while once they bloomed. Im letting the folige die back, kind of like tulips, for 6 weeks, before I trim them. Im kind of guessing at it. Are you saving your bulbs for next year, and if so, how will you go bout it?

  • You can try planting them in the garden and if its a great spot maybe they'll bloom again someday. But usually the process of forcing exhausts the bulbs. Amaryllis are the only bulbs I "re-force". I'll compost these.

    Here's a great series of Q and As about this at Garden Web.

  • A touch of spring, Kathy, and I'll bet it's none too soon for you! Hope you'll also show us the final blossoms.


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