more photos of the Belmont Victory Garden seed swap

setting up seed swap seed swap seeds from BI
seed swap
seed swap 2 seed swap view of gardens
skippy at seed swap
farmer Gretta BI seeds

– Thanks to Botanical Interests for providing fantastic seeds for the gardeners. These were definitely a hit.
– Things gardeners brought and swapped included bean and carrot seeds, and raspberry divisions.
– The swappers toured the garden paths in the drizzle – an area of over 1 acre with about 120 active plots.
– We ate 2 loaves of my pumpkin bread.

The topic of discussion was – gardening. This included:
– Gretta had lots of Late Blight advice. I’ll put this in a separate post.
– Improving local food availability: Gretta would like to see a local grain and dried bean CSA and is looking for land. In our area, we now have a number of vegetable and meat farms, but no grains are local. This would require not only land and farmers, but a mill.
– How to improve communication at the community garden. We haven’t been very successful with our Yahoo b-board. We’re thinking of trying a blog/Facebook format. Plus a Scout will soon construct a non-virtual bulletin board for us.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Not true, not true! We have a grain and bean CSA now! It's out of Amherst! We signed up for a half a share this year, and are getting 75 lbs of grains and beans soon – we'll be so inundated – at least they keep better than greens!

    I'm desperate for a honey csa though – if you can pass on the word, we'll be the first to sign up if they bring one to Belmont!

  • Great! I will look into this too. Though Amherst is not really local.

  • Considering it's the only grain grown in new england on any scale in decades – and it's within 100 miles – I consider it pretty local – I'm thrilled! We might have to get the mill attachment for the mixer! 🙂


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Beantown Seedsavers Seed Collection Event this Saturday