And yes, that's Skippy's spot. He likes to stand guard the door. He enjoys being there and it can be hard to pull him out of the garden sometimes. (Me too)
Lookin' good Kathy! Is that you corn in the foreground? Looks like they are coming along very nicely. Mine didn't come up for some reason; and I had sown 2 kinds of seed. Maybe I'll try sowing again.
9 Comments. Leave new
Is that Skippy's spot? – Dave
Things are really starting growing in, if only we could get some sun…..
Yes, things are growing surprisingly well.
And yes, that's Skippy's spot. He likes to stand guard the door. He enjoys being there and it can be hard to pull him out of the garden sometimes. (Me too)
at least the gloom makes the green look pretty?
I'm trying to find that silver lining…it must be here somewhere!
Love your guard dog.
So much space! So much crop! Your garden looks amazing. I bet the other gardeners look at your plot in envy 😉
Plot envy!? Maybe. I certainly get this when looking at other plots in BVG… There are many big, active plots this year.
Lookin' good Kathy! Is that you corn in the foreground? Looks like they are coming along very nicely. Mine didn't come up for some reason; and I had sown 2 kinds of seed. Maybe I'll try sowing again.
He's being such a good boy. I'm afraid mine would want to dig.