The April rain is very peaceful – and wet. My vegetable garden is fully thawed now, but working the soil and planting peas will have to wait for drier weather, which may be towards the end of the week.
Great! If I had the time to garden yesterday , I would have planted my peas and some lettuce. I had hoped to do this, but taxes, work, dog, oh well, I just didn;t have time. I think they’ll be fine, but I also think its so cold that it may not matter that I wait to plant next weekend.
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I planted my sweet peas yesterday. Who can tell with this weather?!
Great! If I had the time to garden yesterday , I would have planted my peas and some lettuce. I had hoped to do this, but taxes, work, dog, oh well, I just didn;t have time. I think they’ll be fine, but I also think its so cold that it may not matter that I wait to plant next weekend.
I see a gnome back there!!!
Yes, that’s my gnome!