winter tunnels with spinach, kale, and escarole

---, Backyard Garden

I have two winter tunnels covered with a few layers of winter fabric and one of green house plastic on the top. I also have a half bed of cabbage covered with a couple floating layers of winter row cover fabric. They are all doing well this winter. In this time of short daylight, I don’t expect the plants to grow much. But it’s nice that they are hanging in there. No rodents are eating them and surviving the cold, which is awesome. The plant’s growth will take off mid February when they get more light. The spinach is my favorite.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • I never cease to be amazed at how well one can garden in winter with just a little row cover. Of course nothing beats a summer tomato, but picking my own tat soi in January comes in a very close second! I’ve got tons of scallions, various varieties of Asian greens, lettuce and escarole, and the sweetest baby turnips.

  • Your pictures are great, Kathy! I wish I had some of those beautiful vegetables! We could cook some of that great Kale tonight! Mom

  • I have 2 mini hoop tunnels, 1 has greenhouse plastic then 2 medium weight layers of row cover on top of that. The other is the opposite: 2 layers Agribbon fabric with plastic on top. How tightly sealed do the covers need to be to protect greens? Last week i checked and some arugula looked semi- frozen, but i think last year that happened and i panicked, but by March most things survived. I also threw a flannel sheet on top of the tunnels when it was below 20 . Will the plants get enough light? Any suggestions are so welcome!!


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the middle of winter