onion, herb, and lavender seedlings

Starting Seeds

I brought all my little seedlings out onto a table for a picture. They are now back under the lights on their shelves. I particularly like the tiny oregano seedlings. I think they are the smallest. They germinated very well and I will have to thin them soon. With seedlings this tiny and close together, I’ll just snip off the seedling at the soil level with some fine scissors.


3 Comments. Leave new

  • They’re so cute! I need to root through my seeds and make a list of what I need and don’t need for this year. And check the supplies too.

  • Yes! It’s that time of year.

  • Terri Meyer
    March 5, 2020 4:10 PM

    Adorable!! I love the smell of potting soil and seedlings!
    New to me is growing lavender from seed. I have always heard it’s
    propagated from cuttings. I’ll have to see if I can locate some seed. Any
    recommendations? I love lavender!


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