more baby chick pictures

---, My Chickens

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I bought a batch of 15 mixed layers from McMurray Hatchery. They say they are a mix of at least 5 good laying types plus one exotic layer. I can see that the single fancy bird is silver and has very pretty feathers. I don’t know any of the breeds. If anyone can tell the breed from looking at a chick and you recognize any of these – let me know!!

They are two days old now and are being very good. There was one chick who kept pecking other chicks’ eyes yesterday. (She the black blur in the left front of the bottom photo.) Over and over. She spent the night in solitary (the shipping box under the light). She’s being good today.

Then there is one very tiny bird that I’m hoping will thrive. (She’s that buff one at the upper right of the bottom photo.) She has a hard time pushing her way in to the food. I’m spreading crumbles now and then to see if that helps. In have both of my red heat lights over the crate now my to keep the temperature up at 95 degrees for a week. Next week when they are OK at 85 I can separate any tiny birds and move the second light to a smaller crate.

My plan is to only keep 4 or 5 of the chicks. I have one adult hen laying in my coop outside (with another adult that I am overwintering for someone else). I should limit myself to 4 and 5 is pretty full for my small coop. Five others have been spoken for. If you’re local to Lincoln MA and want any let me know. I’ll advertise on Craig’s list at some point.

Charley is very interested in watching the chicks, Suzie less so. Charley always follows me to go check on them. The chicks are in a very secure crate!

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