a year of garden photos

Backyard Garden, Photos of my Gardens, Watching the Seasons

May 4: The peas are a few inches high, cover crop of winter rye is tall in some beds, and winter beds have greens growing.
05-04 IMG_2412

May 11: I just turned under the winter rye, crabapples and tulips are in bloom.
05-11 IMG_2530

May 30: I just planted tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Alliums are blooming.
05-30 IMG_2790

June 18: Everything is growing, including the weeds in the paths. Those are asparagus fronds across the view in the foreground.
06-18 IMG_7487


August 24: Time for eating fresh vegetables!
08-24 DSC00070


October 15: Beds with summer crops are cleared and ready for planting with some small seedlings to overwinter.
10-15 IMG_6023

October 21: Overwintering beds are covered with a single layer of fabric. Soon I’ll add a layer of greenhouse plastic.
10-21 IMG_6154

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