my garden in the rain – peas, asparagus, and lettuce

Backyard Garden, Photos of my Gardens

asparagus IMG_0949 pea sprouts IMG_0935

The rain is cold and dreary for me, but my plants are enjoying it, it seems. Peas and asparagus are sprouting.


Earlier in the week, I planted a bed with spring greens. I have several colors of lettuce, so I tried to mix it up and make a pretty bed. I hope the pattern will be nice when it grows up. The bed has lettuce, spinach, arugula, kale, escarole, bunching onions, and a few marigolds.


speckles lettuce IMG_0940 truchas lettuce IMG_0942


lettuce bed IMG_0939


Other things going on in my garden are some nice big garlic sprouts and the last few heads of spinach, escarole, and lettuce left over from my winter tunnel.


garlic bed IMG_0944 winter bed IMG_0943

garden IMG_0945

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