garlic sources for planting

Garden Planning, Garlic

I’ve been asked me where I buy garlic and for other sources so I thought I’d post this list again. I posted it last October too.

Here’s the list of garlic seed sources that people have recommended in response to my post a few days ago. They look awesome! I can’t wait to try out some. If you have a source you like, let me know and I’ll add it.

Pacific Northwest:
Filaree Garlic Farm – So many! This source was seconded and thirded! Washington State
Adaptive Seeds: Good selection, also grey shallots, free shipping over $50. Oregon
Territorial Seeds: Oregon

The Garlic Store
Potato Garden

New England:
Fedco bulbs division: Maine. Ordering deadline is early September.
High Mowing Organic Seeds: Vermont
Green Mountain Garlic: Vermont

A garlic festival: Four are in the New England/New York area
Local farmer’s market: no shipping charge, varieties that do well in your area
Costco: Bulbs from California

I have to add that it’s a good investment to buy good garlic seed. I replant my cloves for many years. About 10% of my harvest, my biggest heads, get replanted every year. I’ve gone 10 years without buying garlic, just replanting my own. Occasionally there’s a bad crop (like I had two years ago) and I have to buy more. So starting with good healthy seed garlic gets you off to a good start. E

And every year you replant your best garlic you are selecting seed that is best for your garden and developing a strain of garlic that is best suited to your growing conditions.

I am planing to plant my garlic this weekend. This year – with LOTS of compost! So I don’t get another harvest of tiny little heads. (Lots of compost like my Mom’s garlic bed. You should see how big her heads are!)

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