winter birds in Florida


I went to visit my parents in southern Florida (Naples area) last week. Talk about a great time to get a break from New England! It was sunny the whole time, 70’s, and no snow! Fortunately I was able to get into and out of Logan between storms with out delays. I was lucky. Anyway, here are the birds I saw down there.

semipalmated sandpiper IMG_1606awillet IMG_1624a
wilson's petrel IMG_1614aherring gull IMG_1588a
roseate spoonbill IMG_1721bwood stork IMG_1689a

white pelican IMG_1734byellow rump warbler IMG_1730bpalm warbler IMG_1738bgreat egret IMG_1682b

red shouldered hawk and perrigrine falcon IMG_1654a - Copyperrigrine falcon with laughing gull prey MG_1652a

white ibis IMG_1665aanhinga IMG_1679a

pie-billed grebe IMG_1728bgreen heron IMG_1709a

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