Here are the new seed cells I’m going to try this year. I’m still deciding what to plant in which. ‘Til now, I’ve only used the bottom right trays, which have 48 cells per 10-20 tray.
The new trays I’ll try have 24, 128 and 200 cells per 10-20 tray.
I got my seedlings shelves out and stacked the trays on them. They’re ready and waiting. I’ll look for some soil mix. I think I have some out in the shed leftover from last year. I’m working on setting up a convenient watering method as Pam commented these smaller cells will dry out fast.
Below are some old photos I took at a nearby greenhouse a few years back. The farmer, Gretta, had a beautiful set up in her hoop house as she was getting ready for a CSA season. I was amazed at array of beautiful seedlings. I’ll look the photos over and take some pointers from them. Of course, I can’t plant as many as plants Gretta…. I think she is using all 128 cell trays.