Skippy is looking very handsome in his T-shirt. He’s wearing it to protect his surgery site. He got 6 stitches in his back where a suspicious lump was removed. It was an ugly lump – I’m glad its gone. The surgery doesn’t seem to have bothered Skippy much, but I am keeping him quiet for a week – no running or jumping or playing.
Skippy is sitting on a quilt that a reader of my blog, Emily Lewis, hand quilted for me. She did a really beautiful job! Her website is: Emily Lewis Quilts. There’s a picture of my quilt on her site. She finished my quilt in March of 2013, I remember. I remember I got a notice to pick it up at the post office, but couldn’t get there for two days because of the house arrest in the Watertown area after the Marathon bombing. What a time!