draft 2 of my new 2014 garden

Garden Planning

Microsoft PowerPoint - 2014 Garden diagram v2.pptx

This is my plan for my big new garden in my backyard!

Lots of room for tomatoes – I’m looking forward to canning enough the last the winter next year. Same with potatoes – I’ll have enough room to grow baskets of potatoes for storage all winter. Lots of room for greens, spinach, lettuce, mustards, arugula, and bok choy. Room for green beans, soy beans and shell beans. Even space for cutting flowers, mostly zinnias and small sunflowers, I think.

Since I planted my garlic in my community garden plot last fall, I’ll keep that garden too this year. My espaliered pears are there. This fall I’ll move them to my backyard. I’ve planned to put crops that need less attention in my community plot. (I’m also the Garden Coordinator for at least another year, so I’d like to spend time there to keep up with how things are going.)

So I’ll be busy in the garden this year!!! What fun.

Microsoft PowerPoint - 2014 Garden diagram v3.pptx

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