one last snow storm

Watching the Seasons

Six inches of snow falling tonight! I’m thinking it’s probably our last snow storm of the season. Sure has been a snowy winter – too cold and dark and long and snowy. But today’s snow is falling on ground that has started to thaw. Snow drops are blooming, willow catkins are out, geese are paired up, hawks are defending their territories, chickadees are singing their spring songs. Next week temperatures are predicted to go into the 50’s. Maybe I’ll be able to brush the snow off my cold frame and do some more gardening. I am hopeful that spring is just around the corner.

My gardening plans – tomorrow I’m planting broccoli, lettuce, and eggplants. Indoors under light, but I am looking forward to it. And I’m keeping an eye on my garden because St Patty’s day, i.e. pea planting day, is only 2 weeks away!

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