today’s harvest


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I am digging my potatoes from the front of the bed toward the back as we need them. I finished a row of German Butterball and started on a row of Adirondack Red today. Fun to unearth the bright magenta/pink tubers. Unlike soil-colored Butterballs, these seem to pop right out of the dirt.

As usual, a bunch of RC zucchini and Zephyr yellow squash. Very prolific varieties. I have very low production form my tow other summer squashes: Starship and Yellow Crookneck. Maybe they will produce later in the season.

And some tomatoes are starting to ripen right on schedule – July 21 is a pretty average first tomato date for me. I have a fully ripe New Girl, two almost ripe Pink beauties and some Purple Calabash starting to color-up in the garden. Of course, lots of Sun Gold cherries, which started ripening a week ago.

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