late fall vegetable gardens

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Skippy and I walked through the paths of the community garden and looked at what’s still growing.

I found lots of kale of all different types. Also chard, arugula, endive, escarole, leeks, parsnips, and herbs. One really nice plot of 5 inch garlic. (My garlic is very tiny since I planted only a month ago.)

Its been a warm fall – about as good as it gets for late fall crops.

5 Comments. Leave new

  • What a great post. This is a time of year that doesn't get enough respect, garden-wise!

  • We are into spring/early summer now…so looking forward to cucumber, tomatoes, corn, zuchinni and salad veg!

  • Still plenty going on in the gardens – nice to see all that mulch keeping everything warm.

  • It's been warm here in Michigan too (zone 5) and the season has stretched on. We've had a bit of kale and some broccoli in December. I dug up some horseradish for Christmas dinner.

    Nice to see your pictures of your fall garden!

  • Hi, I just found how to look up your location via your profile and funny it's Boston! I moved to NC from Boston [Randolph], MA in 2002. Now I can get a handle on the mild winter you are having compared to the past hard winters the last 10 yrs or so. It is incredible that your coldframe is still producing. My hoop greenhouse froze and killed all the lettuce, spinache, etc in Dec. At least I can use it to get an early start, maybe next month. Your dog is gorgeous! I have 3 chickens [hens] and they are laying more eggs now that the days are getting longer. Joy! Robin/quirkpod


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