sweet potato sprouts

Root Vegetables, Starting Seeds

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Since last fall (Oct 2010 – over a year ago!) I have held a basket of small sweet potatoes to see if they would sprout. Finally it seems they are sprouting. I am thinking about howI can set them up so they will grow inside over this winter. Looks like sweet potatoes may be a biennial crop for me.

9 Comments. Leave new

  • I am experimenting for the first time to grow my sweet potatoes slip indoor over the winter. I brought in 1 cutting (should have brought in more)before the frost, rooted it and potted up. Am also rooting 3 different varieties in water. Would love to know how you are doing with overwintering your slips.

  • I love it when another blogger shares something like this as patience seems to be the key to sweet potatoes!


  • Sweet potato spurts so nice and more testy that can be enjoy in that dish.

  • we had a gargantuan sweet potato harvest this year. so much so I've been accumulating recipes to try: sweet potato biscuits will be my next experiment. wish me luck! 😉

  • I keep sprouting regular potatoes and onions in the vegetable compartments in the refrigerator.

  • Put the whole sprouted sweet potato in dirt the bottom will develop roots and keep until you need the slips. When the summer starts cut off 1ft slips and root them in water. Then plant them in the garden after you harden them off

  • Thanks Donald. I will do that.

  • i would put them in a removable cold frame, i did some in the last year started late they came out but were very very small maybe too much rain,,, next year maybe peanuts 🙂

  • I grew Sweet Potaotes this year i did not use row covers got a good bag of Sweets but no giants i should have used Black row covers. The years i used them i had a monster crop. Saved a few small Sweets for slips for next year. When they sprout im going to put then in dirt. Another mistake i made was if you let the roots get too big from the slips it make for a whole bunch of stringy Sweet Potaotes.


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