popcorn sprouts

Starting Seeds

corn 036

My popcorn is a couple inches tall now. I thinned it once to about 2-3 inches apart and will thin again to about 6 inches soon. There is a giant sunflower that volunteered at the far end of the bed. It should be able to outgrow the corn.

I am planning to order some parasitic warps this year to see it I can get ears without worms. I need to order these soon.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Think they'll be knee-high by fourth of July?

  • Must try growing pop corn. Maybe next year!!! :0)

  • marian(LondonUK)
    June 19, 2011 10:20 PM

    Good Looking growth. I planted some sweetcorn 2 weeks ago, they look good. I had a second batch, later harvest tht I planted last Sunday. My goodness our weather is rubbish, so much wind they were practically bending over as I planted them (I am sure Soilman would have detailed this far more eloquently!!!) I have watered and prayed, fingers and everything else crossed thye survive. Our weather is MAD!!


  • Kathy – I never heard of popcorn corn – never mind seen it in this country. Need to find some … LOL


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